Genre : / Action / Adventure / Crime / Drama / Mystery / Sci-Fi | Runtime : 42 min Minutes
Also Known As: A zöld Ãjász
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 HD
Budget: n/A
Release Date: 10 October 2012 (USA)
Runtime: 42 min
Directors: n/A
Rating: 8.2
Color: n/A
Countries: n/A
Company: n/A
Creators: n/A
Description: After having being lost at sea and presumed dead, the spoiled son of a millionaire returns to cleanse his hometown from crime as a vigilante with superhuman capabilities.
Cast (limited to 5): n/A
Cast as URL (default limited to 20): n/A
Genres: / Action / Adventure / Crime / Drama / Mystery / Sci-Fi
Languages: n/A
Location: n/A
Opening Weekend: n/A
Plot (shortened to 150 chars): Oliver Queen and his father are lost at sea when their luxury yacht sinks, apparently in a storm. His father dies, but Oliver survives for five years…
Poster: posters/2193021.jpg
Seasons: n/A
Sound Mix: n/A
Tagline: Innocent and not guilty are two different things.
Title: Arrow
Url: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2193021/
Votes: 167,294
Writers: n/A
Year: 2012
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